Linux Commands Examples

A great documentation place for Linux commands


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Classified by relevance and popularity

busybox : The Swiss Army Knife of Embedded Linux

gnome-terminal : is a terminal emulation application.

which : locate a command

fusermount : mount and unmount FUSE filesystems

watch : execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen

locale : specific information.

startpar : start runlevel scripts in parallel

xargs : build and execute command lines from standard input

usermod : modify a user account

a2ensite : enable or disable an apache2 site / virtual host

cut : remove sections from each line of files

install-sgmlcatalog : maintain transitional SGML catalog

mkfs.ext2 : create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem

arch : print machine hardware name (same as uname -m)

cweave : translate CWEB to C and/or TeX

find : search for files in a directory hierarchy

update-grub : stub for grub-mkconfig

zenity : display GTK+ dialogs

tload : graphic representation of system load average

lockfile-remove : command-line programs to safely lock and unlock files and mailboxes (via liblockfile).

rm : remove files or directories

adduser : add a user or group to the system

showrgb : display an rgb color-name database

a2dismod : enable or disable an apache2 module

dpkg-gensymbols : generate symbols files (shared library dependency information)

unlink : call the unlink function to remove the specified file

wine-preloader :

apache2ctl : Apache HTTP server control interface

chroot : run command or interactive shell with special root directory

start-stop-daemon : start and stop system daemon programs

resize : set environment and terminal settings to current xterm window size

uptime : Tell how long the system has been running.

grpconv : , grpunconv convert to and from shadow passwords and groups

find2perl : translate find command lines to Perl code

dvdrip-thumb :

chacl : change the access control list of a file or directory

killall5 : - send a signal to all processes.

pnmcomp : composite (overlay) two portable anymap files together

dir : list directory contents

kerneloops : program to collect and submit kernel oopses to

alias :

cal : displays a calendar and the date of Easter

wipefs : wipe a filesystem signature from a device

fsck : check and repair a Linux filesystem

cp : copy files and directories

loadunimap : load the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table

nmcli : – commandline tool for controlling NetworkManager

dialog : display dialog boxes from shell scripts

nohup : run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

rcc :

faillog : display faillog records or set login failure limits

ttfread :

lame : create mp3 audio files

avconv : avconv video converter

shasum : Print or Check SHA Checksums

sha1sum : compute and check SHA1 message digest

ss : another utility to investigate sockets

time : run programs and summarize system resource usage

mount.vboxsf : x86 virtualization solution

smbcquotas : Set or get QUOTAs of NTFS 5 shares

chcon : change file security context

pkexec : Execute a command as another user

setkeycodes : load kernel scancode-to-keycode mapping table entries

hostname : show or set the system’s host name domainname - show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name ypdomainname - show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name nisdomainname - show or set the system’s NIS/YP domain name dnsdomainname - show the system’s DNS domain name

pidof : - find the process ID of a running program.

python2.7 : an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language

passwd : change user password

dvdrip : GUI for copying DVDs

vlc-wrapper : a wrapper to drop priviledges with VLC

mawk : pattern scanning and text processing language

amidi : read from and write to ALSA RawMIDI ports

iconv : Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another

setxkbmap : set the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension

qmlmin :

mkfs.msdos : create an MS-DOS file system under Linux

mandb : create or update the manual page index caches

gst-launch-1.0 : build and run a GStreamer pipeline

combinediff : create a cumulative unified patch from two incremental patches

pm-powersave : Put your computer into low power mode

dd : convert and copy a file

ping : 6 send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

jack_midisine :

airtun-ng : a virtual tunnel interface creator for aircrack-ng

mkpasswd : Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)

ls : list directory contents

groupadd : create a new group

tty : print the file name of the terminal connected to standard input

stat : display file or file system status

rbash : restricted bash, see bash (1)

pdb3.3 : the Python debugger

cancel : cancel jobs

swapoff : enable/disable devices and files for paging and swapping

vorbistagedit : allows batch editing of vorbis comments with an editor

cpanp : The CPANPLUS launcher

bluez-test-service :

visudo : edit the sudoers file

strace : trace system calls and signals

grub-install : install GRUB to a device

iptables-apply : a safer way to update iptables remotely

shuf : generate random permutations

nice : run a program with modified scheduling priority

ppmtosixel : convert a portable pixmap into DEC sixel format

printenv : print all or part of environment

apg : generates several random passwords

setsid : run a program in a new session

midi2ly : manual page for midi2ly (LilyPond) 2.16.0

loginctl : Control the systemd login manager

chsh : change login shell

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