Linux Commands Examples

A great documentation place for Linux commands


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Classified by relevance and popularity

passwd : change user password

airtun-ng : a virtual tunnel interface creator for aircrack-ng

update-grub : stub for grub-mkconfig

avconv : avconv video converter

pdb3.3 : the Python debugger

gzexe : compress executable files in place

mkpasswd : Overfeatured front end to crypt(3)

kerneloops : program to collect and submit kernel oopses to

loadunimap : load the kernel unicode-to-font mapping table

chroot : run command or interactive shell with special root directory

tor : The second-generation onion router

iconv : Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another

chattr : change file attributes on a Linux file system

tor-gencert : Generate certs and keys for Tor directory authorities

lame : create mp3 audio files

start-stop-daemon : start and stop system daemon programs

wpa_passphrase : Generate a WPA PSK from an ASCII passphrase for a SSID

gpgsplit : Split an OpenPGP message into packets

sha1sum : compute and check SHA1 message digest

nohup : run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty

tor-resolve : resolve a hostname to an IP address via tor

ping : 6 send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts

cweave : translate CWEB to C and/or TeX

ssh-add : adds private key identities to the authentication agent

iptables-apply : a safer way to update iptables remotely

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