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text-mode interface for git

see also : git


tig [options] [revisions] [--] [paths]
tig show [options] [revisions] [--] [paths]
tig blame [options] [rev] [--] path
tig status
tig < [git command output]

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Display the current branch:

$ tig

Display one or more specific branches:

$ tig test master

Display all branches:

$ tig --all

Display differences between two branches:

$ tig test..master

Display changes for a single file:

$ tig -- README

Display contents of the README file in a specific revision:

$ tig show tig-0.8:README

Display revisions between two dates for a specific file:

$ tig --after="2004-01-01" --before="2006-05-16" -- README

Blame file with copy detection enabled:

$ tig blame -C README


Browse changes in a git repository. Additionally, tig(1) can also act as a pager for output of various git commands.

When browsing repositories, tig(1) uses the underlying git commands to present the user with various views, such as summarized commit log and showing the commit with the log message, diffstat, and the diff.

Using tig(1) as a pager, it will display input from stdin and try to colorize it.


Command line options recognized by tig include all valid git-log(1) and git-diff(1) options, as well as the following subcommands and tig specific options. The first command line parameter not starting with "-" is interpreted as being either a revision specification or a path and will end the option parsing. All following options will be passed untouched to the underlying git command.


Open diff view using the given git-show(1) options.


Show given file annotated by commits. Takes zero or more git-blame(1) options. Optionally limited from given revision.


Start up in status view.


Show the first view with line <number> visible and selected.

-v, --version

Show version and exit.

-h, --help

Show help message and exit.


Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Jonas Fonseca <fonseca[:at:]diku[:dot:]dk [1] >

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

environment variables

In addition to environment variables used by git (e.g. GIT_DIR), tig defines the ones below. The command related environment variables have access to the internal state of tig via replacement variables, such as %(commit) and %(blob). See tigrc(5) for a full list.


Path of the user configuration file (defaults to ~/.tigrc).


Path of the system wide configuration file (defaults to {sysconfdir}/tigrc).


Set command for retrieving all repository references. The command should output data in the same format as git-ls-remote(1).


The diff options to use in the diff view. The diff view uses git-show(1) for formatting and always passes --patch-with-stat, --find-copies-harder, and -C.


Path for trace file where information about git commands are logged.



User configuration file. See tigrc(5) for examples.


System wide configuration file.

$GIT_DIR/config, '~/.gitconfig, '/etc/etc/gitconfig

Git configuration files. Read on start-up with the help of git-config(1).






Bugs and feature requests can be reported using the issue tracker at or by mail to either the git mailing list or directly to the maintainer. Ensure that the word "tig" is in the subject.

see also

tigrc, tigmanual, git , gitk

Online resources:

• Homepage:

• Manual:

• Tarballs:

• Git URL: git:// (master) or git:// (mirror)

• Gitweb:

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