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A simple tool for basic configuration of Speech Dispatcher and problem diagnostics


spd-conf [options]

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spd-conf is a simple tool for basic configuration of Speech Dispatcher and problem diagnostics


-h, --help

show this help message and exit

-e, --espeak

Use espeak to synthesize messages


Test whether Festival works as a server

-s, --test-spd-say

Test connection to Speech Dispatcher using spd-say


Test Pulse Audio

-c, --config-basic-settings-user

Configure basic settings in user configuration

-u, --create-user-conf

Create Speech Dispatcher configuration for the given user

-C, --config-basic-settings-system

Configure basic settings in system-wide configuration

-n, --dont-ask

Do not ask any questions, always use default values


Test ALSA audio


Test whether Espeak works as a standalone binary

-d, --diagnostics

Diagnose problems with the current setup

-D, --debug

Debug a problem and generate a report


spd-conf was written by Hynek Hanke <hanke[:at:]brailcom[:dot:]org>. The webpage for this package can be found at

This manual page was written by Luke Yelavich <themuso[:at:]ubuntu[:dot:]com>, for the Ubuntu project (but may be used by others).

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