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Portable Document Format (PDF) to Portable Pixmap (PPM) converter (version 3.03)

see also : pdfdetach - pdffonts - pdfimages - pdfinfo - pdftocairo - pdftohtml - pdftops - pdftotext


pdftoppm [options] PDF-file PPM-root

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epstopdf $1.eps
pdftoppm -gray $1.pdf $1
pnmtopng -transparent rgb:ff/ff/ff $1-1.pgm > $1.png
rm *.log *.pgm *.aux *.dvi *.eps *.pdf
echo pdftoppm -gray -r 300 "${pdf_path}" "${ppm_path_base}"
pdftoppm -gray -r 300 "${pdf_path}" "${ppm_path_base}"
for f in pg*.pdf ; do echo $f ; pdftoppm -r $res $f > $f.ppm ; done
pdftoppm -png -f $page -l $page -rx $resx -ry $resy -x $x -y $y -W $w -H $h "$input" "$tmp"
mv "$tmp"*.png "$output"
mkdir tmp
pdftoppm $1 tmp/image
mkdir $2
convert tmp/image-*.ppm -rotate 90 -resize 1024x1024 -depth 8 -colors 256 $2/image%02d.pcx


Pdftoppm converts Portable Document Format (PDF) files to color image files in Portable Pixmap (PPM) format, grayscale image files in Portable Graymap (PGM) format, or monochrome image files in Portable Bitmap (PBM) format.

Pdftoppm reads the PDF file, PDF-file, and writes one PPM file for each page, PPM-root-number.ppm, where number is the page number.


-f number

Specifies the first page to convert.

-l number

Specifies the last page to convert.


Generates only the odd numbered pages.


Generates only the even numbered pages.


Writes only the first page and does not add digits.

-r number

Specifies the X and Y resolution, in DPI. The default is 150 DPI.

-rx number

Specifies the X resolution, in DPI. The default is 150 DPI.

-ry number

Specifies the Y resolution, in DPI. The default is 150 DPI.

-scale-to number

Scales the long side of each page (width for landscape pages, height for portrait pages) to fit in scale-to pixels. The size of the short side will be determined by the aspect ratio of the page.

-scale-to-x number

Scales each page horizontally to fit in scale-to-x pixels. If scale-to-y is set to -1, the vertical size will determined by the aspect ratio of the page.

-scale-to-y number

Scales each page vertically to fit in scale-to-y pixels. If scale-to-x is set to -1, the horizontal size will determined by the aspect ratio of the page.

-x number

Specifies the x-coordinate of the crop area top left corner

-y number

Specifies the y-coordinate of the crop area top left corner

-W number

Specifies the width of crop area in pixels (default is 0)

-H number

Specifies the height of crop area in pixels (default is 0)

-sz number

Specifies the size of crop square in pixels (sets W and H)


Uses the crop box rather than media box when generating the files


Generate a monochrome PBM file (instead of a color PPM file).


Generate a grayscale PGM file (instead of a color PPM file).


Generates a PNG file instead a PPM file.


Generates a JPEG file instead a PPM file.


Generates a TIFF file instead a PPM file.

-tiffcompression none | packbits | jpeg | lzw | deflate

Specifies the TIFF compression type. This defaults to "none".

-freetype yes | no

Enable or disable FreeType (a TrueType / Type 1 font rasterizer). This defaults to "yes".

-aa yes | no

Enable or disable font anti-aliasing. This defaults to "yes".

-aaVector yes | no

Enable or disable vector anti-aliasing. This defaults to "yes".

-opw password

Specify the owner password for the PDF file. Providing this will bypass all security restrictions.

-upw password

Specify the user password for the PDF file.


Don’t print any messages or errors.


Print copyright and version information.


Print usage information. (-help and --help are equivalent.)

exit codes

The Xpdf tools use the following exit codes:


No error.


Error opening a PDF file.


Error opening an output file.


Error related to PDF permissions.


Other error.

see also

pdfdetach , pdffonts , pdfimages , pdfinfo , pdftocairo , pdftohtml , pdftops , pdftotext


The pdftoppm software and documentation are copyright 1996-2011 Glyph & Cog, LLC.

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