Linux Commands Examples

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note of warning

This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools’s texinfo documentation, and may not be entirely accurate or complete. See the end of this man page for details.

viewing the texi doc

This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools’s texinfo documentation. However, this process is only approximative, and some items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this translation process. Indeed, these items have no appropriate representation in the manpage format. Moreover, not all information has been translated into the manpage version. Thus I strongly advise you to use the original texinfo doc. See the end of this manpage for instructions how to view the texinfo doc.


To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the following commands:

./configure; make dvi; dvips mtools.dvi


To generate a html copy, run:

./configure; make html

A premade html can be found at ’’


To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs’ info mode), run:

./configure; make info

The texinfo doc looks most pretty when printed or as html. Indeed, in the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the quoting conventions used in info.

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