Linux Commands Examples

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print distribution-specific information


lsb_release [options]

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lsb_release -a


The lsb_release command provides certain LSB (Linux Standard Base) and distribution-specific information.

If no options are given, the -v option is assumed.


The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (’--’). A summary of options are included below.
-v, --version

Show the version of the LSB against which your current installation is compliant. The version is expressed as a colon separated list of LSB module descriptions.

-i, --id

Display the distributor’s ID.

-d, --description

Display a description of the currently installed distribution.

-r, --release

Display the release number of the currently installed distribution.

-c, --codename

Display the code name of the currently installed distribution.

-a, --all

Display all of the above information.

-s, --short

Use the short output format for any information displayed. This format omits the leading header(s).

-h, --help

Show summary of options.


This is a reimplementation of the lsb_release command provided by the Free Standards Group. Any bugs are solely the responsibility of the author below.

Detection of systems using a mix of packages from various distributions or releases is something of a black art; the current heuristic tends to assume that the installation is of the earliest distribution which is still being used by .B apt but that heuristic is subject to error.

see also



Chris Lawrence <lawrencc[:at:]debian[:dot:]org>.

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