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a Java Web Start client

see also : java

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javaws /usr/bin/androidscreencast.jnlp
javaws bin/ContestAppletProd.jnlp &
javaws $HOME/.bin/files/bugster.jnlp


javaws is an implementation of a JNLP client. It uses a JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) file to securely run a remote Java application or a Java applet. This implementation of javaws is from the IcedTea project and is based on the NetX project.

A JNLP file is an xml file that describes how to securely run a remote Java application or a Java applet.


When specifying options, the name of the jnlp file must be the last argument to javaws - all the options must preceede it.

The jnlp-file can either be a url or a local path.

Control Options

By default javaws will launch the jnlp file specified on the command line. The control options can be used to change this behaviour.


Shows a sample application that can be used to test the basic functionality of this implementation.


Shows the trusted certificate viewer. This allows a user to list, examine, remove or export trusted certificates. Note that this only reflects the certificates trusted by javaws and not any other certificates or programs.

Run Options

In the default mode, the following run-options can be used:
-basedir dir

Directory where the cache and certificates to be used are stored.

-arg arg

Adds an application argument before launching.

-param name=value

Adds an applet parameter before launching.

-property name=value

Sets a system property before launching.

-update seconds

Update check if seconds since last checked.


Display the GPL license and exit.


Enable verbose output. Very useful in debugging.


Disables the secure runtime environment.


Disables checking for updates.


Disables download window, other UIs.


Enables strict checking of JNLP file format. Any deviations from the JNLP DTD will cause javaws to abort.


Sets the umask for files created by an application.


Do not create another JVM, even if the JNLP file asks for running in a separate JVM. This is useful for debugging.


This passes along java-option to the java binary that is running javaws. For example, to make javaws run with a max heap size of 80m, use -J-Xmx80m.


Print a help message and exit.


~/.icedtea/ specifies the settings used by javaws


javaws [-run-options] jnlp-file


There arent any known bugs. If you come across one, please file it at
Please run javaws in verbose mode and include that output along with the jnlp file when filing out the bug report.

see also



Originally written by Jon. A. Maxwell.
Currently maintained by the IcedTea contributors.

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