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installs missing GStreamer plugins

see also : aptd - session-installer


gst-install [OPTIONS] plugin ...

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Gst-install makes use of the PackageKit session D-Bus interface to install missing GStreamer plugins, e.g. encoders, decoders or URI handlers. It isn’t supposed to be executed directly but instead by the gst_install_plugins_async and gst_install_plugins functions of the GStreamer base library gstpbutilsinstallplugins.

PackageKit or the alternative session-installer implementation will handle the complete installation process with confirmation, progress and error dialogs.

See the documentation of gstpbutilsinstallplugins for the argument construction and exit states.



The X Window ID of the window which should be used as parents for the dialogs


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You can report bugs at the Launchpad site of aptdaemon:

see also

aptd session-installer


Sebastian Heinlein <devel at glatzor dot de>

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