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overlaps one image over another.


composite [ options ... ] change-file base-file [ mask-file ]

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Image Settings:
-affine matrix affine transform matrix
-authenticate value decrypt image with this password
-blue-primary point chromaticity blue primary point
-channel type apply option to select image channels
-colorspace type alternate image colorspace
-comment string annotate image with comment
-compose operator composite operator
-compress type type of pixel compression when writing the image
-decipher filename convert cipher pixels to plain pixels
-define format:option
define one or more image format options
-depth value image depth
-density geometry horizontal and vertical density of the image
-display server get image or font from this X server
-dispose method layer disposal method
-dither method apply error diffusion to image
-encipher filename convert plain pixels to cipher pixels
-encoding type text encoding type
-endian type endianness (MSB or LSB) of the image
-filter type use this filter when resizing an image
-font name render text with this font
-format "string" output formatted image characteristics
-gravity type which direction to gravitate towards
-green-primary point chromaticity green primary point
-interlace type type of image interlacing scheme
-interpolate method pixel color interpolation method
-label string assign a label to an image
-limit type value pixel cache resource limit
-matte store matte channel if the image has one
-monitor monitor progress
-page geometry size and location of an image canvas (setting)
-pointsize value font point size
-quality value JPEG/MIFF/PNG compression level
-quiet suppress all warning messages
-red-primary point chromaticity red primary point
-regard-warnings pay attention to warning messages
-sampling-factor geometry
horizontal and vertical sampling factor
-scene value image scene number
-seed value seed a new sequence of pseudo-random numbers
-size geometry width and height of image
-support factor resize support: > 1.0 is blurry, < 1.0 is sharp
-synchronize synchronize image to storage device
-taint declare the image as modified
-transparent-color color
transparent color
-treedepth value color tree depth
-tile repeat composite operation across and down image
-units type the units of image resolution
-verbose print detailed information about the image
-virtual-pixel method
virtual pixel access method
-white-point point chromaticity white point

Image Operators:
-blend geometry blend images
-colors value preferred number of colors in the image
-displace geometry shift image pixels defined by a displacement map
-dissolve value dissolve the two images a given percent
-extract geometry extract area from image
-geometry geometry location of the composite image
-identify identify the format and characteristics of the image
-monochrome transform image to black and white
-negate replace each pixel with its complementary color
-profile filename add ICM or IPTC information profile to image
-quantize colorspace reduce colors in this colorspace
-repage geometry size and location of an image canvas (operator)
-rotate degrees apply Paeth rotation to the image
-resize geometry resize the image
-sharpen geometry sharpen the image
-stegano offset hide watermark within an image
-stereo combine two image to create a stereo anaglyph
-strip strip image of all profiles and comments
-thumbnail geometry create a thumbnail of the image
-transform affine transform image
-type type image type
-unsharp geometry sharpen the image
-watermark geometry percent brightness and saturation of a watermark
-write filename write images to this file

Miscellaneous Options:
-debug events display copious debugging information
-help print program options
-log format format of debugging information
-list type print a list of supported option arguments
-version print version information

By default, the image format of ’file’ is determined by its magic number. To specify a particular image format, precede the filename with an image format name and a colon (i.e. ps:image) or specify the image type as the filename suffix (i.e. Specify ’file’ as ’-’ for standard input or output.


Copyright (C) 1999-2012 ImageMagick Studio LLC. Additional copyrights and licenses apply to this software, see file:///usr/share/doc/imagemagick/www/license.html or


The composite program is a member of the ImageMagick(1) suite of tools. Use it to overlap one image over another.

For more information about the composite command, point your browser to file:///usr/share/doc/imagemagick/www/composite.html or

see also


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