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OpenGL window and compositing manager


compiz [options] [plugins]

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compiz --replace
#emerald --replace
LD_PRELOAD=./ compiz --replace ccp

Is there a sliding plug-in for Compiz-Fusion?

In the Animations Add-On plugin, there's an animation called Skewer. It causes pieces of the window to slide in. You can try setting that plugin to only slide in from below, and setting it to only have one piece. That should give you what you want.


Ubuntu 12.04 compiz - disable all compiz plugin - empty screen

The reason that the cube appeared as a "list" has nothing to do with the number or quality of your graphics cards. The cube plugin simply shows your workspaces arranged as the sides of a cube. You get a sheet because you only have two workspaces configured. You can change this in compiz-config-settings-manager (ccsm).

Having said that, try the following steps (adapted from here):

sudo apt-get purge compiz*
sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-plugins

The first command will completely remove any compiz installation, and the second will reinstall it. Now, open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and launch compiz-config-settings-manager:


Scroll down to the "Desktop" section and make sure the Enable Ubuntu Unity Plugin checkbox is checked:

enter image description here enter image description here

Now, click "Back" to go back to the main menu. Check the Desktop Cube checkbox. If a message pops up asking if you want to disable Desktop Wall in favor of the cube,click "Disable Desktop Wall".

Compiz uses "virtual desktops" as opposed to normal desktops (see the compiz wiki here for more info). To have a cube that looks like a cube, you need to tell compiz to use 4 virtual desktops. To do this, go "Back" again, click the "General Options" button and choose the "Desktop Size" tab. Set your Horizontal Virtual Size to 4:

enter image description here


Snapping windows to pre-defined grids in GNOME

Have you tried different window managers than metacity? Xmonad is an example and it is very customizable.


How do I use Compiz on Linux to achieve what WinSplit revolution does on Windows?

From what I can read, Grid is indeed what should suit your needs. It is included to Compiz directly now, but it's hard to find an official manual for it (someone obviously used the wiki page you gave link to as a discussion/bug report place...)

I can find another tutorial at this link, which says:

Using the Grid Compiz plugin, all you have to do is press Ctrl + Alt + Keypad numbers to place the selected windows.

Grid Compiz plugin examples:
Ctrl + Alt + KP 4 -> puts the window to the left
Ctrl + Alt + KP 6 -> puts the window to the right
Ctrl + Alt + KP 9 -> puts the window to the top right
... And so on.

Basically the numeric keypad is the imaginary grid and pressing the numbers, the windows are placed on the corresponding position on the grid:

keyboard shortcuts

You can activate the Grid plugin by going to CompizConfig Settings Manager, under "Window Management" enable the "Grid" plugin.


Compiz and Desktop Effects on Netbook with External Monitor

There is a bug (launchpad bug) in 9.10 that blocks the X server upon detection of external display when running compiz. You can get around this by running metacity (metacity --replace).


How to assign a shortcut key to show all windows in Compiz

oops, I've just found it

it's the "scale" compiz plugin

I've found it reading this question...


Desktop screen capture with compiz running

Why is compiz pertinent to this question?

If it's because you're having rendering issues (with opengl/video overlays) and you're using Intel graphics, grab the latest driver and switch your graphics mode to UXA in xorg.conf .. that might help.


Program meta/win key for compiz

install compizconfig-settings-manager and you should be able to override any of the key bindings very easily.

$ sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager

You can modify any gnome bindings to your liking by going to:

System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts


Compiz effects in XFCE

The problem is that Xfce does not use Compiz – it has its own window manager, Xfwm.

You need to run Compiz in order to see desktop effects:

$ compiz --replace &

How to set a windows's title in Linux

One way of doing it is to use xdotool, e.g., from the commandline:

xdotool search --name "Old name" set_window --name "New name"

This searches open windows that contain the name "Old name" and changes its name to "New name". You also search by Window class, PID and a variety of other things. See the xdotool man page.

There are probably other ways of setting the same automatically when the program starts depending on the program, and whether it uses Qt, or GTK, or what.


How to assign a shortcut key to show all windows in Compiz

oops, I've just found it

it's the "scale" compiz plugin


How does Compiz decide which windows should be sticky?

The program sets hints on the window that the window manager examines to determine behavior.


Is there any way I can add alternative key binding to a feature in compiz?

Yes, I like to use CCSM (CompizConfig Settings Manager).


Change the zoom out view in compiz

I think you can do this by increasing/decreasing the distance in the compiz config settings. Open up ccsm (Compiz Config Settings Manager) and open up the settings for the Expo plugin.
There under the Appearance tab there's a slider for Distance, you can change that to make the windows bigger or smaller. I haven't tried it, but I think if you make the windows bigger in size, they will automatically get displayed in 2 rows.


compiz is a compositing window-manager using OpenGL for rendering.



Show summary of options.

-v, --version

Show version of program.

--display DISPLAY

Manage the display called DISPLAY instead of the name obtained from the $DISPLAY environment variable.

--refresh-rate RATE

Set the default refresh rate.


Use a fast texture filter.


Force an indirect rendering context. Use this when running compiz on AIGLX.


Enable strict binding of textures. Use this when running compiz on AIGLX.


Make use of the composite overlay window.


Replace any existing window managers on the given X display.


Disable the session management.

--sm-client-id ID

Use the given ID as the client ID for session management.

--bg-image IMAGE

Use IMAGE as background image.


compiz was written by David Reveman <davidr[:at:]novell[:dot:]com> and others.

This manual page was written by Thierry Reding <thierry[:at:]gilfi[:dot:]de>, for the Debian project (but may be used by others).

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