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print info about a GStreamer plugin or element


gst-inspect [OPTION...] [PLUGIN|ELEMENT]

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gst-inspect is a tool that prints out information on available GStreamer plugins, information about a particular plugin, or information about a particular element. When executed with no PLUGIN or ELEMENT argument, gst-inspect will print a list of all plugins and elements together with a summary. When executed with a PLUGIN or ELEMENT argument, gst-inspect will print information about that plug-in or element.


gst-inspect accepts the following arguments and options:


Name of a plugin


Name of an element


Print help synopsis and available FLAGS


GStreamer info flags to set (list with --help)

-a, --print-all

Print all plugins and elements


Print a machine-parsable list of features the specified plugin provides. Useful in connection with external automatic plugin installation mechanisms.


GStreamer debugging flags to set (list with --help)


GStreamer info and debugging flags to set (list with --help)


GStreamer info flags to set Enable printout of errors while loading GStreamer plugins


Add directories separated with ’:’ to the plugin search path

see also

gst-feedback, gst-launch, gst-typefind


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